
They say it takes a village to raise a child …. welcome to your village!  From the moment you visit us you and your child will be welcomed into the Parley Pre School family where fun is at the forefront of everything we do.  When your child is happy, feels safe and secure they will be ready to learn.  Through our carefully planned Pre School environment and the activities provided your child will have endless opportunities to become curious, creative, critical thinkers ready to move on to school with a love for learning.  Our skilled staff will engage your child, follow their interests and carefully develop your child’s skills and knowledge whilst they are having the best time playing and exploring.  We will be your child’s champion, embracing their unique personality and scaffolding their learning through things they enjoy. 

To all of you ladies at Parley Pre School I cannot thank you enough for the last year with Millie.  She has come on leaps and bounds since starting with you and I will forever be grateful for that! Anyone who joins Parley Pre School are very lucky to have you.  You are not just a pre school, you are like a family to the children.

Not all classrooms have four walls

outside area pre school field
pre school woodland area

We are so lucky to have the most amazing outside area at Pre School.  Our room opens up to a fenced off area where the children have access outside whenever they want to.  Beyond the fence we have a large sports field and woodland area which we love to explore.  We don’t just want to tell the children about the world they live in, we want them to experience it.  So when life gives us rain …. we jump in muddy puddles!  We want children to smell the earth, to taste the rain, to touch the wind, to see things grow, to watch the seasons change, to see the frost melt, the sun to rise and to care.  Everything that can be taught inside a classroom can be experienced outside and it’s so much more fun and memorable for your child. 

Our Pre-School. Our Family. Our Community

Based at West Parley Community Hub we believe our local community are at the heart of Pre School life.  We are so lucky to have such a great local community around us which offers loads of amazing opportunities to our children.  From visiting the residents at the local care home, to hopping on a bus to the library or nipping to the supermarket to buy food for our snack bar there are so many learning opportunities and chances to develop our social skills.

Ferndown Pre School bus trip
Ferndown nursery school

Great things start with a smile

Your Pre School should be more than just a place for your little ones to spend their day. It should be somewhere they love to go, a safe place that nurtures them, where people champion them to be their best selves and where their uniqueness is celebrated. 


Also known as what they learn!

We have an ambitious curriculum where we take a holistic approach with each child. With our knowledge, from both parents and your child’s keyperson, we look at what we can focus on to help your child flourish.  For us it is so much more than just academic acheivements that we focus on.  We want every child to have the best possible language skills, ability to be creative and a critical thinker, high emotional well being and the confidence to take risks and try new things. We believe this gives every child the skills and knowledge they need to be ready for school and for life.

Pre School Nursery in Ferndown

Healthy & Confident

  • Have a sense of self
  • Independant skills for self care
  • Able to form relationships
  • Be healthy and active
  • Develop an understanding of emotions
  • Self regulate emotions
  • Be confident
  • Be a unique individual
Pre School Curriculum Ferndown

Curious, Creative & Critical

  • Be creative
  • Use their imagination and be expressive
  • Be a technology whizz
  • Have an inquisitive mind
  • Be a problem solver
  • Have an awareness of the environment
  • Have an understanding of people and their community
Nursery School in Ferndown, Dorset

Life Long Learner

  • Have a love of books
  • Be able to communicate thoughts and ideas
  • Listen to others
  • Have perserverance
  • Enjoy writing for purpose
  • Understanding of Mathematical concepts
  • Be engaged and motivated

Parley Pre-School

2 days 11 hours ago

A round up of our first week back after Christmas.

Parley Pre-School

3 days 10 hours ago

You might wonder who has to clean up when the children make hand prints with paint on the windows. No we haven’t left it on

Parley Pre-School

3 days 10 hours ago

It was a hype of activity in the art area today with children busy mixing and pouring paint. This area of pre school encourages independence,

Parley Pre-School

5 days 10 hours ago

We love to celebrate our children’s achievements at pre school and we really encourage the other children to share in their joy of what they

Parley Pre-School

6 days 11 hours ago

It was great to be back at pre school today and to see the children after the Christmas break. We had a couple of birthdays

Parley Pre-School

1 week 4 days ago

Parley Pre-School

2 weeks 4 days ago

Merry Christmas to all our families past and present. We hope you have the most magical day. We would love to see some photos of

Parley Pre-School

3 weeks 5 days ago

Todays advent was….. Decorating gingerbread men. Sprinkles, sprinkles everywhere, on the gingerbread men, on the table, in mouths 😂. Hands were washed thoroughly just in

Parley Pre-School

3 weeks 6 days ago

Todays advent was….. An indoor snowball fight! We used some super soft snowballs and had the best time working in our teams. All the fun

Parley Pre-School

1 month 3 hours ago

Todays advent was….. The Polar Express! A day spent in our pyjamas, drinking hot chocolate on the Polar Express and snuggling up with a duvet